If you ugly, then keep you hands by your side.
If your not, then throw your hands in the sky!



Wednesday, May 21, 2008 by jeef.

Damn I just killed my food culture final.. I also got two 100% papers...
I don't know one teacher in my life that gave out 100%, it's usually a 95-98 but never perfect 100. Oh well. Luckily I did something right this semester. I'm studying (supposedly) for my Hospitality Law class now, which is a drag because the class is split up with two teachers. One guy's boring.. like watching a knitting show, and the other guy is programming through MTV.

It's ok though, it's a informational class that I will need later on in life.

Tomorrow is my last final.. and it's on Business Calculus... one of the most useless classes in the world. It's a plus that it's open note+book.

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